The development is characterized by active street fronts along the new 73rd Avenue, Midtown Plaza and 71st Avenue SE where retail uses will occupy the ground floor with office and residential above. The proposed new 73rd Avenue will align with the existing 73rd Avenue on the west side of Macleod Trail and enhance the connectivity in and out of the community by adding a new all turns intersection. 73rd Avenue well become a new enhanced southern gateway into the community from Macleod Trail.
All other streets will also have active street fronts with at additional service retail and/or at grade or slightly elevated residential entries and patios.
A proposed central north-south pedestrian focused spine is envisioned as the community High Street and connect the entire community to the central park at the epicenter of this new TOD community.
The central pedestrian spine will connect the proposed hotel/conference complex at the north end of the community down to the to the public transit plaza fronting the LRT station which is proposed to be incorporated into the adjacent buildings.
A number of restaurants are proposed adjacent the transit plaza and the central park spilling out to enliven the public realm.
A community recreational facility is proposed on the south side of the central park.